A guide to video game localisation

Hitting the market over 50 years ago, the video game industry grew rapidly and made huge waves, becoming commonplace in homes around the globe in the early 1980s. With merchandise now including books, toys, trading cards, music, clothes, worldwide events such as Comic Con, and even spin-offs landing in the TV industry, the progress the gaming industry has made in these years and the future which lays ahead is incredible. One vital element that has enabled this extraordinary international growth is video game localisation. This guide will delve into this topic. From reading this guide, you will learn:

  • the process of video game localisation
  • 5 common challenges in video game localisation and how to overcome them
  • what the future holds for the gaming industry
  • things to think about beyond the game itself

Whether you are just getting started with localising your games for international markets or if you want to improve your existing efforts, this guide is a must for any brand in the gaming industry wanting to improve their translation and localisation processes.